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Clinton County has 4 School Districts: Blanchester Local Schools, Clinton-Massie Local, East Clinton Local School, and Wilmington City School District. Blanchester Local School District is composed of one Elementary, Intermediate, Middle, and High School. Blanchester Local School District has a total of 1,771 students with more than 114 teachers. Clinton-Massie Local Student/Teacher Ratio is 19.4 with more than 1,773 students. East Clinton Local School holds a total of 1,571 students with 91 teachers and a student/teacher Ratio of 17.3. Wilmington City School District has a total of 5 schools from Pre-School to High School with 3,195 students and 183 teachers.

Putman Elementary School has 548 students and hold classes from Kindergarten- 6th grade. The Student/Teacher Ratio on this up to date facility is 17.7. This School with “top-notch” technology and educational resources holds programs such as Parents as Educating Partners (P.E.P), After School Reading Tutoring Program, Musical program, and the Math intervention lab. Putman Elementary School goal is to have all its students on grade level in reading, math, and writing by the time they leave the third grade.

Clinton-Massie Middle School houses sixth, seventh, and eighth grade with a total of 425 students. There are 28 staff and faculty members and a Student/Teacher Ratio of 19.1. Recognized as an Ohio School of Excellence, CMMS is consistently far above the state minimum averages as well as significantly above the average of similar districts.

East Clinton Middle School offers classes to 376 students from 6th - 8th grade. Classroom Teachers total to 23. The location of the school is rural and 98% of its students are white with 2% being of another ethnicity.

Wilmington High School is home to 980 students with 52% being male and 48% female. This High School has 50 teachers and holds classes from 8 – 12th grade. Its co-curricular activities included sports, music, theatre, arts, and academic clubs to match any student's interest.

Contact information:

Blanchester Local Schools Dist.
3580 State Route 28,
Blanchester, OH 45107.
Phone: (937) 783-3523.

Putman Elementary School,
327 E. Baldwin Street,
Blanchester, Ohio 45107.
Phone: (937) 783-2681.

Clinton-Massie Local Dist.
2556 Lebanon Road,
Clarksville, Ohio 45113.
Phone: (937) 289-2471.
Fax: (937) 289-3313.

Clinton-Massie Middle School,
2556 Lebanon Rd,
Clarksville, OH 45113-8201.
Phone: (937) 289-2932.

East Clinton Local School Dist.
97 College St,
Lees Creek, OH 45138.
Phone:(937) 584-2461.

East Clinton Middle School,
174 Larrick Road,
Lees Creek, Ohio 45138.
Phone: (937) 584-9267.
Fax: (937) 584-9558.

Wilmington City School Dist.
341 S Nelson Ave,
Wilmington, OH 45177.
Phone: (937) 382-1641.

Wilmington High School,
300 Richardson Pl,
Wilmington, OH. 45177.
Phone: (937) 382-2750.


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